Test spatial associations of objects in three dimensions by using the Ripley’s K function.
Test spatial associations of objects in three dimensions by using the Ripley’s K function.
3D reconstruction of incomplete archaeological objects using a generative adversarial network (GAN).
Shiny app to analyse Al2O3:C measurements
Functions to help with the preprocessing steps in anthropological research.
A template to create an archaeological catalogue from a spreadsheet using the LaTeX csvsimple package.
Scripts at the ARQUB group to work with compositional data on archaeometric studies.
R code for converting B&W jpgs of artefact silhouettes to matrices and computing basic Elliptical Fourier statistics, including PCA and MANOVA.
Estimates artifact class diversity in multiple geographic regions.
Working with map data in R.
Plotting remote sensing data, especially how to go from XYZ data on an irregular grid to an interpolated raster
Experimenting with the opencontext.org API using R
R script that implements a means for statistically assessing the degree of co-occurrence between classes within a dataset.
R-script for conducting and evaluating bootstrapped correspondence analyses.
Script for calculating Brainerd-Robinson coefficients based on tabular count or percent data. This script also estimates the probability that a given difference between two samples is the product of sampling error.
Script for extracting c14 dates from text.
R Script for Seriation Using Correspondence Analysis.
R scripts for digitizing, processing, analyzing, and comparing archaeological ceramic 2d profile drawings, photographs, and other data.
This R script produces a exploratory visual for assessing site date ranges originally suggested to me by Wesley Bernardini Redlands University
A method for chronological apportioning of ceramic assemblages that considers site occupation dates, ceramic production dates, and popularity distribution curves.
This app will allow you to build & apply calibrations for the Tracer & Artax series of XRF devices
Data analysis implementation for evaluating a novel sex estimation method based on skullanalyzer data.
Extracts and calculates from long bone cross sections, cortical thickness maps, and biomechanically pertinent cross-sectional geometric properties.
Computer-Assisted Drawing of Archaeological Pottery.
Source archaeological artifacts using elemental composition.
What is the correlation between the exposure time of your photographs and the time of the day?
Shiny app fabric analysis.
Fix the Exif.Image.Artist tag based on user input depending from the camera model. Useful if you have a bunch of photographs from different people all mixed up.
This R Function creates a simple Ford diagram for archaeological seriation with error bars determined based on sample size were count data are given
Code for Geostatistics in ethnographic contexts.
Shiny application that provides subadult age estimations based on dental and skeletal development and skeletal diaphyseal metrics using pre-optimized mixed cumulative probit models.
Script for conducting K-means cluster analysis using R. This script provides output designed to help the user select an appropriate cluster solution.
Codes for performing kriging for ethnographic and archaeological data.
Routines to read and analyze LA-ICP-MS data from the Field Museum’s Elemental Analysis Facility
Moran’s I and Getis-Ord G* Analysis.
.obj slicing for lithic 3d morphometrics.
A GNU Octave toolkit for analyzing diaphyseal long bone cross sectional geometry.
Script for calculating mean ceramic dates based on tabular data. This script also estimates sampling error using a bootstrapping procedure.
You have a sequence of numbered items and want to check if any are missing.
Make a stratigraphic-style plot-schematic of sediment colour using munsell values
Analytical Dashboard for conducting various analysis to group and assess groupings for Neutron Activation Analytical chemical compositional data
R script for analyzing presence/absence data in irregularly distributed archaeological survey units.
R Shiny Document - Visualizing model functions in Neimans ‘Stylistic variation in evolutionary perspective’ with an interactive document.
Shiny app to search and filter radiocarbon dates from various source databases, based on the R package c14bazAAR.
A set of GNU Octave functions for biodistance analysis based on non-metric traits.
Tools for osteometric sorting of human remains.
A function for retrieving metrics for resistance-resilience from rcarbon permTest objects.
Script to convert a folder of Dutch archaeological reports (PDFs) to XML files nested by section, chapter, heading.
Pure Locational Clustering.
Point Pattern Analysis.
some tools in respect to pollen data processing.
Scripts to create QR-Code images for storage boxes. Each box has an associated web page describing its content, and the QR-Code serves as a short-link from the physical object to the web page.
Set of quantitative tools for finding a common measurement unit (quantum) in archeological research.
A database interface designed to facilitate the irregular, iterative, and non-linear workflows that are commonly employed in lithic analysis.
Computer-Assisted Shape Classification of Archaeological Pottery Fragments.
Scrapers for public radiocarbon databases
Series of common tols used by most Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) projects, plus some custom programs to help with the workflow from the camera to the output.
sdsbrowser is an R Shiny WebApp developed to make the available SDS datasets (following the Systematic and Digital Documentation of Stone Artefacts recording system) more accessible. It is designed to give you a quick overview on the spatial and temporal scope of sites previously analysed with SDS and the distribution of artefacts within these sites.
Excel file containing macro commands making it possible to transform a 1/0 table (presence / absence) into a graphic matrix treated by matrix permutations; it is possible to take into account the uncertain presence of a character. The instructions for use are contained in the file.
Shiny app for TL dating
A GNU Octave function for skeletal sex estimation.
A concrete way of extracting cranial mophometric features.
Synthetic Categories for Archaeological Vessel Comparison.
Converts time period entities to standardised date ranges.
Tool for Online Seriation and Correspondence Analysis.
Interactive graphical user interface to aid in the interpretation of blunt-force rib trauma in forensic anthropology casework.
Unconstrained Clustering.