How wrong is wrong and how good can it get? 14C chronological model power and sensitivity analyses with OxCal and R.
How wrong is wrong and how good can it get? 14C chronological model power and sensitivity analyses with OxCal and R.
Semi-automated 3D digital method to systematically quantify stone tool edge angle and design.
Blender addon that simplifies the tasks involved in the management and optimization of the archaeological and architectonic 3D record.
Tools to directly model underlying population dynamics using chronological datasets (radiocarbon and other) with a variety of models, including Continuous Piecewise Linear (CPL) model framework, and model comparison framework using BIC. Package also calibrates 14C samples, and generates Summed Probability Distributions (SPD). CPL modelling directly estimates the most likely population trajectory given a dataset, using SPD simulation analysis to generate a Goodness-of-fit test for the best selected model.
Provides a system of classes and methods to represent and work with time-series.
Translating Akkadian signs to transcriptions using NLP techniques such as HMM, MEMM and BiLSTM neural networks.
Pre-Processing XY Data from Experimental Methods.
Allen relations from Bayesian calibration: R function to compare two indefinite intervals produced by a Bayesian calibration using the Allen algebra.
Allen’s Interval Algebra for Archaeologists.
Dynamic image analysis to identify ancient artifacts in soil samples.
An R package for Smith’s Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD), with a graphical user interface, facilities for trait selection and graphical representations.
A R package for the aoristic analysis of archaeological data.
R package for aoristic analysis; the goal of aoristic is to make sense of temporally vague data.
Estimate probabilities of find numbers per period.
Conditional Random Fields model for NER in Dutch Archaeology.
QGIS Python script/plugin for computing azimuth, horizon altitude, and celestial declination of a specific bearing indicated by a line segment selected by a user.
An R Interface to OxCal.
Bayesian Modeling of Archaeological Chronologies.
Models and data to reproduce results from ArchaeoPhases examples and vignettes.
The ArchaeoLines plugin displays any combination of declination arcs most relevant to archaeo- or ethnoastronomical studies.
An app for use in archaeological field survey to collect high-accurate point locations, photographs, and other data.
An app to collect data on archaeological objects.
Automated detection and classification of multi-cell phytoliths at genera and species-level using Deep Learning algorithm.
Tools for the post-processing of the Markov Chain simulated by any software used for the construction of archeological chronologies.
Post-Processing of the Markov Chain Simulated by ‘ChronoModel’, ‘Oxcal’ or ‘BCal’.
Read PDFs with archaeological site report information and return the information in the forms as a dataframe.
For handling archaeological chronological data.
The archdata package provides several types of data that are typically used in archaeological research
R package for the analysis of the fragmentation of archeological objects.
A packaged R ‘Shiny’ application for the visualisation, interactive exploration, and web communication of archaeological spatial data.
Tasks for Excavations in AutoCAD
Frequency time-series tools for archaeology.
A QGIS plugin for local site grids.
A Collection of R S4 Classes that Represent Archaeological Data.
A tool for creating and manipulating Harris Matrices, part of the Archaeological Recording Kit ARK.
A QGIS plugin to simplfy digitization of archaeological plans drawn using the Museum of London Single Context Recording methodology.
Tools of Virtual Anthropology to build virtual cavities as endocasts, to align two disarticulated models belonging to the same specimen, and functions to import and export format files into another format.
Experimental mobile app demoing cultural heritage documentation tools in augmented reality. Supports capturing and annotating photos in 3D space. Proof-of-concept features in the app include image anchoring and surface drawing tools.
Python script for analyzing data sets of archaeological artifacts containing only Boolean and categorical variables.
Provides a Bayesian inferential tool for analysing time-frequencies of archaeological events associated with time spans typically obtained from relative chronological sequences (e.g. periods and phases).
Bayesian tools for reconstructing past demography.
An R package for chronological Bayesian models integrated for Optically Stimulated OSL, Luminescence Dating
Radiocarbon Dating, Age-Depth Modelling, Relative Sea Level Rate Estimation, and Non-Parametric Phase Modelling
An R package that provides datasets useful for biological and forensic anthropology.
Apps and functions for use in Bioarchaeology
A shiny app which uses the results of standard osteological methods to create a basic biological profile
An R package that provides functions for 3D tessellation with Voro++ and subsequent horizontal cutting of the resulting polygons for 2D plotting. It was developed for archaeological spatiotemporal data, but may as well be used for other three dimensional contexts.
R package for tidy radiocarbon data.
R package to query different openly accessible radiocarbon date databases, allowing for basic data cleaning, calibration and merging
R package to help interpreting Correspondence Analysis’ results.
The goal of carbon14 is to provide a tidy interface to radiocarbon dating, to promote its inclusion in reproducible manuscripts
R package to analyse multiple radiocarbon determinations.
R Package for contingency tables seriation via Correspondence Analysis.
An R package that collects together data for the ancient world
Visual shape-matching of ceramics profiles.
Work with geotifs to detect charcoal hearths
Provides convenience functions that are helpful for working with archaeological or historical data, where chronological information is stored as a period.
Building chronological charts easily with R.
Applications for obtaining chronograms (quantified chronology diagrams) and time distribution curves of archaeological or historical units from quantified dating indicators treated as inaccuracy intervals.
Provides a system of classes and methods to represent and work with such time-series.
Tools for chronological uncertainty propagation.
A package for classical age-depth modelling of cores from deposits.
Provides some utility functions for cleaning radiocarbon data in R.
A python implementation of the method of clustering radiocarbon dates in order to determine whether they represent separate events, or phases in time
An application to generate temperature curves during pottery firing.
Uses Bayesian methods to enforce the chronological ordering of radiocarbon and other dates.
Python library to make creation of CIDOC CRM easier by mapping classes/predicates to python objects.
Data organisation, classification and visualisation of archaeobotanical data to understand crop processing stage.
Dose Rate Estimation from In-Situ Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Measurements for Luminescence Dating
An Approximate Bayesian Computation Framework for inferring patterns of cultural transmission from frequency data.
An App to recognize cuneiform characters on your Android phone.
Converting date ranges into dating ‘steps’ eases the visualization of changes in e.g. pottery consumption, style and other variables over time. This package provides tools to process and prepare data for visualization.
Radiocarbon Dating Resolution Calculator.
Enables researchers to easily construct a network of dendrochronological series based on the similarity and find patterns of matching tree-ring material.
A simulation tool to estimate the rate of success that surveys possessing user-specific characteristics have in identifying archaeological sites (or any groups of clouds of objects), given specific parameters of survey area, survey methods, and site properties.
Simple Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Correspondence Analysis (CA) based on the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). This package provides S4 classes and methods to compute, extract, summarize and visualize results of multivariate data analysis. It also includes methods for partial bootstrap validation.
Perform tree-ring analyses such as detrending, chronology building, and crossdating.
This is a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet designed to help you plan an aerial drone mapping survey mission.
A QGIS 3 plugin for spatio-temporal interpolation of archaeological settlement evidence.
Configurable data collection program for archaeological survey and excavation.
Configurable data collection program for archaeological survey and excavation.
R Package for sourcing elements.
Addon that brings the formal language Extended Matrix within the Blender 3D open-source software.
R package for year-based time scales
R package for calculating quantitative ethnobotany indices.
R Shiny app for viewing archaeological excavation data in 3D.
Application (in LibreOffice Calc) for serializing a graphic matrix from counting tables. The application makes it possible to obtain either a serograph or a graph of the PVI matrograph type (visualization of the differences in independence from the percentages of independence values) which does not favor the vision of the variables over that of the lines and more suitable for non-chronological treatments.
An R implementation of the Fast Marching Method (FMM), first developed by Sethian (1996), with the modifications of Silva and Steele (2012, 2014). Also included is a spatial wrapper function that makes it easier to model dispersal scenarios in geospatial domains, as originally envisaged for the study and simulation of prehistoric dispersals
Compute and combine felling date estimates for historical tree-ring series with (incomplete) sapwood.
Android apps for archaeology that enable photography during field work.
Spatial Sampling and Survey Simulation Tools.
ArcGIS toolbox for fuzzy viewshed calculation.
Constructs a graphical representation of petrographic drilling profiles.
A collection of functions that built in different points in time. The functions’ aim spans from univariate outlier detection, to permutation t test, permutation chi-square test, calculation of Brainerd-Robinson similarity coefficient, validation of logistic regression models, point pattern analysis, and more.
Write Graphviz dot files for archaeological sequence diagrams and Bayesian chronological models.
Create a Harris Matrix from archaeological stratigraphy data using Python and Graphviz.
harris2graph is a script to help migrate data from the LST file format used by the BASP Harris, Stratify and ArchEd packages into modern graph file formats.
A mobile application for the intuitive recording of human bones from archaeological sites.
Set of formal methods for studying archaeological iconographic datasets (rock-art, pottery decoration, stelae, etc.) using network and spatial analysis.
The goal of idaifieldR is to flexibly get data from the idaifield database into R.
The IntCal20 radiocarbon calibration curves are provided here in a single data package, together with previous IntCal curves and postbomb curves.
Enables the creation of a high quality 3D model of an archaeological artefact via process known as photo-masking.
Ternary plots made simple.
Restoring and attributing ancient texts using deep neural networks.
Interactively guides the user through a number of questions, ending in a specific pathology diagnosis.
Analysis of Chronological Patterns from Archaeological Count Data.
Colour Schemes for Archaeological Data Visualization
Calculate the capacity of a ceramic vessel, like an amphora.
Application for creating stratigraphic diagrams and checking the consistency of the chronostratigraphic recording.
Provides the functionality to calculate Least Cost Paths (LCPs) which are often, but not exclusively, used in archaeological research. This package can be used to apply multiple cost functions when approximating the difficulty of moving across a landscape, as well as taking into account traversing across slope and other costs such as landscape features. This package also provides functionality to validate the accuracy of the computed LCP relative to another path.
Tool for calculating the largest empty circles and estimation of archaeological sites theoretically to be expected in region of interest, an implementation of the method published by Andreas Zimmermann and Karl Peter Wendt (2003).
An R package for processing and analyzing 3D scans of archaeological lithics.
Development version of the R package ‘Luminescence’. The R package ‘Luminescence’ by the R-Luminescence Group provides a collection of various R functions for luminescence dating data analysis.
R package to simulate a Luminescence Reader
Computes morphological indices of spatial entities (e.g. parcels, buildings).
Analyse geomagnetic data from archaeological context
Software to annotate, train, using deep learning, and segment imagery data from UAVs or other platforms.
An R package that provides types and functions for spatiotemporal interpolation of human genetic ancestry components, probabilistic similarity search and the calculation of a derived measure for mobility estimation.
Morphological analysis for archaeology.
Provide a pipeline from shape data extraction to typological arrangement of pottery profiles.
Shiny implementation of morphotype.
Analysis of Archaeological Mortality Data.
A tool for automatically measuring tree-ring width using image processing techniques.
Provides easy access to, and manipulation of, the Munsell colours
This Python library was written as an help for the study of stone walls, mainly through the quantitative analysis of spatial dimensions of stones.
Implements Near Presence Cluster Analysis, a statistical method for identifying spatial clustering within presence / absence data observed in irregularly distributed areal observation units.
Programmatic R interface to the Neotoma Paleoecological Database
Sourcing Archaeological Materials by Chemical Composition.
The nimbleCarbon package provides utility functions and bespoke probability distributions for the Bayesian analyses of radiocarbon dates using the NIMBLE framework. The package is particularly dedicated to demographic inferences based on changing frequencies of radiocarbon dates.
Forms for the Open Data Kit mobile data collection app.
Open Data Kit forms and conversion scripts used in archaeology. Including New Mexico LA Forms, photologs, etc
An R API client for the Open Context archaeological data repository.
A QGIS plug-in that provides one-step-processing of airborne LiDAR data from point cloud to LiDAR visualisations.
Plot data on skeletal templates quickly
A simple app for tracing outlines of an irregular shape and exporting the coordinates of the outline.
An R package to derive outline shapes from (multiple) artefacts on JPEG images.
A collection of functions that can be used to execute OxCal from within R.
Scrubbing program for the global archaeological radiocarbon dataset
An R package implementing functions to perform spatio-temporal paleoclimate reconstruction from tree-rings using the CAR (Correlation Adjusted corRelation) approach of Zuber and Strimmer.
R package for interacting with the Paleocore API
An R package to analyse sedimentary charcoal records from the Global Charcoal Database to reconstruct past biomass burning
The goal of paleoxrf is to simplify reading data from Acadia’s paleoenvironmental X-Ray Fluorescence laboratory
Methods to easily extract and manipulate palaeoclimate reconstructions for ecological and anthropological analyses.
R Package to reconstruct paths using archaeological monuments, model parameters of infrastructure and evaluate those parameters, model parameters of infrastructure and evaluate those parameters.
Piwigo plugin for viewing 3D models using 3DHOP.
Distance matrices between islands normalised over Pleistocene time.
Distance matrices between islands normalised over Pleistocene time. A complete ground-up rebuild of PleistoDist for use with R.
This simulation tool aims to help students and researchers to start to see what pollen looks like under the microscope, and start to identify common pollen grains.
An automated process to detect buildings within large sets of postholes in multi-occupational sites, similar to the obsolete Windows-software “posthole” by Irwin Scollar.
Python implementation of postAAR.
A package to analyze data used to determine whether samples from multiple sources can be separated, to predict the sources of samples from unknown sources, and to evaluation the validity of those predictions. Sample data can include both quantitative and qualitative data. The package includes functions for creating an analysis file from multiple files and exploratory data analysis, as well as multivariate statistical methods to determine source separation, predict sources of unknown samples, and evaluate the validity of the predictions (principal components, classification trees, and random forests).
python qgis plugin of recexcavAAR’s archprofile
R package for processing pXRF data.
A python plugin for QGIS aimed at managing data from archaeological contexts on the GIS platform
Python library to access data in the GEOROC database.
A python package to curate Pofatu data.
Some scripts that could be useful for QGIS users.
Models relationships between elements in a terrain model, connecting pixels according to their height difference.
Calculates visible surface from a given observer point over a digital elevation model. The plugin is intended for more complex modelling, such as the depth below the visible horizon or generation of intervisibilty networks between groups of points. It is particularly performant for multiple viewshed calculations form a set of fixed points.
R Library for Quantitative Analysis in Archaeology.
Finding quantum in archaeological data using cosine quantogram and related statistical methods.
A package for Bayesian age-depth modelling of sediment cores, constrained by prior information on sedimentation rates and their variability.
The R package ‘RCarb’ provides a collection of various R functions to model dose rates in carbonate-rich samples. The package is a translation of the ‘MATLAB’ program Carb by Roger P. Nathan
Methods for calibrating and analysing radiocarbon dates
An R package to facilitate the use of Murail et al.’s (1999) approach of sex estimation in past populations.
R package for 3D reconstruction of archaeological excavations.
Tools for estimating parameters for Radiocarbon-dated Event Count (REC) Models.
RGPR is a free and open-source software package to read, export, analyse, process and visualise ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data
rintchron provides an R interface to IntChron, an indexing service and exchange format for chronological data such as radiocarbon dates.
Radiocarbon calibration of multiple 14C samples using reversible jump poisson process.
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations to Understand Luminescence
Rock art object detection model.
Create visualizations from laserscans.
Reconstructing rock art chronology with transfer learning
A text analysis program to explore online content about prehistoric rock art.
Functions for analysing and visualizing rates of evolution.
R interface for open paleoclimate data.
Brings together a range of methods for analysing the time series, shapes and other properties of archaeological artefacts.
Ruby gem for fast radiocarbon calibration.
R package: wrapper for the C+library xylib
Performs the Splitting-Coalescence-Estimation Method to model birth seasonality in studies of herd animals.
dsanalysis is the backbone of the sdsbrowser webapp, and can be employed to analyse SDS stone artefact data in R.
R Shiny application that allows easy and quick exploration of the spatial distribution of archaeological objects.
A toolbox for modelling human perception of topography for QGIS, based on QGIS viewshed module.
R package that provides the infrastructure for ordering objects with an implementation of several seriation/sequencing/ordination techniques to reorder matrices, dissimilarity matrices, and dendrograms (see below for a full list). Also provides (optimally) reordered heatmaps, color images and clustering visualizations like dissimilarity plots, and visual assessment of cluster tendency plots (VAT and iVAT).
Algorithms, implementations, manuscripts, and test cases for iterative deterministic frequency seriation done by agglomeration.
The EPPM serograph is a graphical tool for chronological serialization of archaeological furniture counting tables.
Uses machine learning models to predict the Sex of unknown skeletons based on their cranial and postcranial measurements.
This is an R package for the extraction, analysis and classification of (not only) archaeological objects derived from scanned images. Especially it aims at the analysis of the shapes/profiles of eg. ceramic vessels or arrow heads.
Package for downloading and preparing shkr data for archaeological analysis
Offers methods to shoreline date Stone Age sites located along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast based on their present-day elevation and the trajectory of past relative sea-level change.
Extract text from archaeological photos containing a sign board and tag as metadata.
This R package contains exactly one function, that calculates the “sum of individual weighted means” according to a methodology that is quite common among archaeologists and was first published in 1988 by Elisabeth Fentress and Philip Perkins.
The goal of sitedefinition is to see how feature densities might be used for site definition.
Site-specific chronological modeling and synchronization.
An R package for data reduction, visualization and analysis in skyscape archaeology, archaeoastronomy and cultural astronomy.
The Soil Texture Wizard is a set of R functions designed to produce texture triangles (also called texture plots, texture diagrams, texture ternary plots), classify and transform soil textures data
A set of extra utilities that extend the functionlaity provided by core packages for spatial data management and analysis in R.
Statistical pattern recognition and dating using archaeological artefacts assemblages.
Analysis of spatial gradients in radiocarbon dates.
Estimation of human stature from long bone measurements according to several well established estimation formula.
R package for archaeological stratigraphy and chronological sequences.
Analysis, Seriation and Visualization of Archaeological Count Data.
QGIS plugin for documentation of archaeological features using Tachy2GIS.
R package that allows programmatic access to the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR), a service of Digital Antiquity.
Calculate dental indices and lesion ratios.
Tools for Quantitative Archaeology - in R.
A set of analyses to control for variable taphonomic impacts on archaeological faunal datasets.
This package simplifies a few workflows when working with multi-proxy paleo-archive data
TIPOM is based on a methodology that was developed in the 1960s by Bernardino Bagolini. The basic idea is to use the three simple dimensions of length, width and thickness of each lithic artefact to classify them in discrete groups and infer their function.
R package for TL dating
A plugin to connect with totalopenstation software developed as part of the IOSA project.
Tools to use and manipulate total station data
Utility for graphically displaying a set of termini post quem induced from stratified archaeological artifacts.
GIS toolbox for estimating the duration of ancient sail-powered navigation.
Includes an agent-based model (ABM) of cultural transmission that simulates the three main forms of transmission bias: content bias, frequency bias, and demonstrator bias.
Plugin for drawing trenches.
R implementation of the Uniform Probability Density Analysis approach
Detect and Parse Historic Dates in R.
Compute closed- and open-system uranium-thorium (U-Th) ages of geological and archaeological samples.
Visualizing XRF and NAA geochemistry concentrations.
Classification of unknown cases (e.g. archaeobotanical data or other modern weed survey data) using linear discriminant analysis to understand farming regimes.
Shiny app for interactive crossdating of tree-ring data.
The goal of xrf is to provide tools to read, plot, and interpret X-Ray fluorescence spectra
A worldwide database of chronological information from archaeological contexts, including radiocarbon and dendrochronological data.
yada, which stands for Yet Another Demographic Analysis package, supports a variety of demographic tasks, with most applications drawn from forensic anthroplogy and archaeology.
The zooaRch package provides analytical tools to make inferences on zooarchaeological data.
The zooaRchGUI package provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to analytical tools for zooarchaeological data in the R package.
Produce mixture models of zooarchaeological measurement data to estimate the proportion of immature, adult-sized female, and adult-sized male specimens in an assemblage.
Manipulate log-ratios (also known as log size index (LSI) values) from measurements obtained on zooarchaeological material.